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Journey Through Sci-Fi

Feb 27, 2020

In this week's episode, we take a closer look at Woman In The Moon(1929) by Fritz Lang and Moon (2009) by Duncan Jones. Both films depict journeys to the moon, but they offer very different ideas of what we might find there.

We start by exploring the visionary and speculative nature of Frau im Mond, a silent film that imagines the possibilities of lunar exploration in the early 20th century. Then, we shift to the more introspective and psychological take in Moon, which delves into the human experience and ethical dilemmas of space travel in the 21st century.

What do these films say about our hopes, fears, and changing perceptions of the moon? Join us as we unpack these cinematic journeys.

  • Frau Im Mond at 01:43
  • Moon at 42:56


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